Friday, January 14, 2011

Essays and Westminster

This term I decided to do a few of the "Give it a go" events. I really didn't do a whole lot of them last term because, after that week of orientation, I was really over the whole repeating freshman year thing, so I didn't do a lot of the events that they have set up for freshman and affiliates. This term, though, I am going to take advantage of some of them.

First up was a tour of Old Westminster. We met outside the Westminster tube stop just before 7 pm and spent the next two hours walking around looking at the houses of parliament, Westminster Abbey, etc... It was really interesting and I learned a few new facts. Also, did you know that when Parliament is in session, the building is open to the public for free? You can go in, walk around, and sit in on the debates. Our tour guide was telling us that the best time to go is on a Monday or Tuesday night, when they have late sessions, around 10 pm. Then, there's no line and you can get right in. If you go in the middle of the day any other time, you'll end up waiting for hours to get inside. I will definitely be going there to listen to debates sometime soon!

Next on my list of things to do is a self defense class on Tuesday. Also, next week, the Career Services department here at UCL is hosting panels and talks on working for NGOs, which is really high on my list of possible career tracks, so I'm going to a few of those. I'm also going to an information session about the Volunteering Society's service trip to Romania during the first week of spring break, so hopefully I'll get to take part in that!

On a more school-related topic, my first two essays have been assigned. The first, due a week from Monday, is for Modern English Language and is on the accepted use of non-standard English in spoken communication. I promise, it's actually an interesting topic, even if it doesn't sound like it. My second paper is due February 4 and is on the characterization of male victims of adultery in Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. I've gotten back into school mode pretty quickly, so this shouldn't be too bad. We'll see.

Well, that's all I've got for now. Time to eat lunch and get back to work on papers.

All my love,


Heather said...

Oooh, ooh, I'm interested in working for NGOs too! Let me know if you find out anything interesting

Emily said...

I definitely will!